Has your business experienced hard times because of the pandemic? Then Working Washington Grant might be for you.
What is it?
The Washington state legislature has set aside money for round 5 of relief funds supporting small businesses after the pandemic.
60% is identified for the arts, heritage, and science sectors, including those that operate live entertainment venues
40% is identified for most other sectors, including hospitality, fitness and personal services
$70 million have been set aside for this round of grants.
Individual grant amounts are unknown.
When is it?
The application process opened August 17th. The application will close September 9th (5:00pm).
If you were selected for the grant you will be notified early October.
Funds must be spent by: June 30th 2023
Does it apply to me?
I can't tell you! There is a whole list of things to be eligible for this grant. But I have tracked down the list of requirements.
Washington state is fairly friendly towards small businesses. There are many opportunities to receive money especially after a global crisis. It's worth digging a little deeper to see if there are ways to get relief.
For questions about the application, contact this email: commercegrants@submittable.com
Here is a FAQ document, you might find your answer there.