It can be frustrating when you are counting on getting your tax refund back and it is taking forever. Here is your best resource to see the status of your refund and tips on how to get your refund faster in the future.
Where's my refund tool
Only the IRS knows where your refund is but they have this helpful updated tool for you to use. You will need:
Your Social Security Number or ITIN
Filing Status
Expected refund amount for the year you are checking
Click here to get started!
The tool will allow you to see whether your refund is either received, approved or sent.
Keep in mind that if you mailed in your return you will have to wait 4 weeks to check your refund status.
This tool is the first place to go to get more information. Only call the IRS if it has been more than 21 days since you sent your return
Tips to get a faster return next year
When you file your return electronically you will avoid the delays that paper returns face.
Also selecting direct deposit will allow the refund to go through faster.
An electronically filed return with no errors will typically be processed in 21 days.